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NR/GN/OHS/00150 - Infection Control
March 7, 2009 - NR

The guidance in this document is applicable to all work situations within Network Rail. Purpose This guidance provides information on the identification, assessment and control of potential risk of infections at work and those that employees may bring into the workplace. In addition,...

Ayliffe's Control of Healthcare-Associated Infection A Practical Handbook
May 29, 2009 - CRC

PREFACE This handbook was first produced as infection control guidance for the West Midlands Region of the UK in the early 1970s. The first edition, published in 1975, was widely used throughout the UK and many other countries. The original contributors were mainly microbiologists,...

Cutaneous Infection and Therapy
March 12, 1997 - CRC

This unique reference provides concise, single-source coverage of the clinical, research, and therapeutic aspects of dermatological problems associated with bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Introduces many novel antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral agents! Highlighting the molecular biology as...

Psychoneuroimmunology, Stress, and Infection
October 20, 1995 - CRC

Psychoneuroimmunology is the emerging science devoted to studying the two-way relationship between the nervous and immune systems. Psychoneuroimmunology, Stress, and Infection highlights the latest information concerning microbial infections in both man and animals as related to...

Micronutrients and HIV Infection
September 14, 2001 - CRC

PREFACE To date, 22 million people have died from AIDS and 36 million are currently living with HIV infection. The full impact of the HIV pandemic is, therefore, yet to be felt. In the meantime, HIV continues to spread, with more than 5 million newly infected during 2000. While neither a...

The Year in Infection
March 8, 2005 - CRC

Throughout the 20th century infectious diseases remained the leading cause of premature mortality, but increasing availability of drugs and vaccines to combat and prevent infection led many to believe that the threat from infectious disease in industrialized countries was all but over....

Nutrition, Immunity, and Infection
October 5, 2017 - CRC

This book focuses on the influence of diet on the immune system and how altering one's diet helps prevent and treat infections and chronic diseases. It reviews basic immunology and discusses changes in immune function throughout the lifecycle. Authors: Philip C. Calder, Anil D. Kulkarni

Case Studies in Infection Control
January 9, 2018 - CRC

Case Studies in Infection Control has 25 cases, each focusing on an infectious disease, which illustrate the critical aspects of infection control and prevention. Scenarios in the cases are real events from both community and hospital situations, and written by experts....

Infection and Immunity
October 26, 1998 - CRC

This concise text explores the interactions between pathogens and the immune system. Taking a disease-based approach, it explains how micro-organisms adapted to growth in human hosts can evade the immune system and cause disease. The opening chapter overviews the innate and adaptive immune...

Neuropsychiatric Disorders and Infection
March 10, 2005 - CRC

Preface Recent immunologic, epidemiologic, microbiologic and neuropsychiatric studies point to infectious etiologies of several important neuropsychiatric disorders e.g. schizophrenia, autism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and Tourettes disease. Additionally, several infectious...

Infection Prevention and Control: Perceptions and Perspectives
September 21, 2015 - CRC

This book presents a variety of perceptions of and perspectives on infection prevention and control. In doing this, the chapters will reflect upon challenging and controversial new ways of looking at infection prevention and control aimed at generating both discussion...

ADA 1006 - Infection Control for Dental Information Systems
January 1, 2002 - ADA

This report addresses infection control issues related to the devices and equipment used in dental informatics and is based on the existing infection control protocols related to dental patient care. Devices and equipment used in patient treatment areas should be...

Outpatient Management of HIV Infection
June 22, 2011 - CRC

Preface Remarkable advances have been made in the global battle against the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). A proliferation of drugs in a variety of classes, some with novel mechanisms of action against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the causative agent of AIDS, has brought a...

Campylobacter Infection in Man and Animals
December 18, 2017 - CRC

This book reflects the different efforts made by veterinary and medical doctors for better knowledge of the disease. It shows how much we depends on each other to understand better the clinical features, pathogenesis, and epidemiology of campylobacter infections and other diseases.

SNZ HB 8142 - Infection Control Audit Workbook
July 16, 2001 - SNZ
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Cell Death During HIV Infection
November 29, 2005 - CRC

Introduction Establishing that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was the beginning of a revolution in science. Since then, the advances made in retrovirology have led to major advances in therapy for HIV, which, in turn, have...

Malaria (1989): Host Responses to Infection
September 28, 2017 - CRC

The purpose of this book is to analyze and determine how a host responds to a blood stage malaria infection. It focuses on strategies for anti-malarial vaccination, genetic control of host resistance to malaria, and the contribution of the host genetic background to resistance or...
