ISO TS 13471-1
Acoustics - Temperature influence on tyre/road noise measurement - Part 1: Correction for temperature when testing with the CPX method
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 1 March 2017 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 22 |
ICS Code (Noise emitted by means of transport): | 17.140.30 |
ICS Code (Road vehicles in general): | 43.020 |
This document specifies procedures for determining the effect of temperature on tyre/road noise emission. Temperatures considered are tyre, road and ambient air temperatures.
The noise emission for which this document is applicable is measured by means of ISO 11819-2, or similar methods such as the on-board sound intensity (OBSI) method specified in Reference [1]. Measurement results obtained at a certain temperature, which may vary over a wide range, are normalized to a designated reference temperature (20 °C) using a correction procedure specified in this document.
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