Design Guide for Cleanrooms Fundamentals, Systems, and Performance
Organization: | ASHRAE |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2017 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 450 |
ASHRAE Technical Committee (TC) 9.11 is concerned with HVAC&R systems for cleanrooms and clean spaces, including process, product, and facility air conditioning and related process ventilation for research and development, manufacturing, assembly, test, and clean medical areas. This includes cleanrooms associated with electronic, microelectronic, pharmaceutical, and aerospace facilities as well as operating rooms. In conjunction with ASHRAE's overall goal of supporting the design of energy-efficient HVAC&R systems, TC 9.11 members are committed to raising such awareness in cleanroom design and operation and to developing proactive solutions to support ASHRAE's position. To meet this end, TC 9.11 developed this cleanroom design guide for its members as well as others who seek to understand cleanrooms and their applications and characteristics.
This guide is divided into four parts, each containing multiple chapters: cleanroom fundamentals; cleanroom design and environmental control systems; cleanroom testing, certification, commissioning, and qualification; and cleanroom design in select industries. The guide covers a very complex subject with many perspectives from the various cleanroom applications. It is the work of many authors over many years; the editors have attempted to blend the various writing styles to meet ASHRAE publication guidelines and improve the overall readability of the book.
It is the hope of the editors that ASHRAE Design Guide for Cleanrooms will be an indispensable resource to designers, builders, owners, and operators of cleanrooms and advance HVAC engineering practices, providing the guidance needed for designers of successful cleanroom projects.
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