This document is referenced by:
IETF RFC 5198 - Unicode Format for Network Interchange
Published by IETF
March 1, 2008
The Internet today is in need of a standardized form for the transmission of internationalized "text" information, paralleling the specifications for the use of ASCII that date from the early days of...
This document is referenced by:
RFC 9092 - Finding and Using Geofeed Data
Published by IETF
July 1, 2021
Abstract This document specifies how to augment the Routing Policy Specification Language inetnum: class to refer specifically to geofeed data comma-separated values (CSV) files and describes an...
This document is referenced by:
RFC 9255 - The 'I' in RPKI Does Not Stand for Identity
Published by IETF
June 1, 2022
Abstract There is a false notion that Internet Number Resources (INRs) in the RPKI can be associated with the real-world identity of the 'holder' of an INR. This document specifies that RPKI does not...