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ITU-T E.800

Definitions of terms related to quality of service

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Organization: ITU-T
Publication Date: 1 September 2008
Status: active
Page Count: 30


Terminology standardization is necessary for two main reasons:

- to avoid confusion to standards users by introducing conflicting terms and definitions;

- to assist alignment between the various groups involved in telecommunication standards development.

A consistent set of terms and definitions is required, therefore, to develop the important areas of quality of service (QoS) and network performance (NP). The technical and non-technical terms related to the QoS listed in this Recommendation are intended to represent the interests of all parties of telecommunications service market, i.e., user, service provider, manufacturer and regulator.

The definition of terms is in the context of QoS. Some terms may be defined differently in other documents in another context. Therefore, care should be taken in the use of such terms in their appropriate context.

The intention of this Recommendation is to set out a comprehensive set of terms and definitions relating to these concepts. These collective terms and definitions can be universally applied to all telecommunication services and the network arrangements used to provide these.

This Recommendation is intended to cover the commonly used terms in the study and management of QoS. For a comprehensive set of QoS terms, one is referred to Recommendation(s) related to specific services or performance characteristics.

Document History

ITU-T E.800
September 1, 2008
Definitions of terms related to quality of service
Overview Terminology standardization is necessary for two main reasons: – to avoid confusion to standards users by introducing conflicting terms and definitions; – to assist alignment between the...
January 1, 1994
Terms and Definitions Related to Quality of Service and Network Performance Including Dependability - Telephone Network and ISDN Quality of Service, Network Management and Traffic Engineering (Study Group II) 56 pp
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 1989
Quality of Service and Dependability Vocabulary - Telephone Network and ISDN - Quality of Service, Network Management and Traffic Engineering (Study Group II) 12 pp
A description is not available for this item.

