Tendon-Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks
Organization: | AWWA |
Publication Date: | 14 January 2017 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 92 |
Background. The New England Water Works Association (NEWWA) established a committee in 1958 to prepare a standard for the design and construction of circular prestressed-concrete
The American Concrete Institute (ACI†) Committee 344 concluded eight years of committee work with a report titled "Design and Construction of Circular Prestressed Concrete Structures," published in the ACI Journal in September 1970. This report referred to both wire-wound and tendon tanks. After publication of its first report in 1970, ACI Committee 344 could not reach a consensus on a combined report covering both wire-wound and tendon tanks. In 1985 the ACI Committee was divided into two subcommittees and "interim" reports were completed in 1988 for both types of tanks. ACI did not publish these interim reports but made copies available until a consensus could be reached on a recombined report. However, a consensus could not be reached, and in the spring of 1994 ACI Committee 344 was divided into two separate committees, ACI 372 and ACI 373. ACI Committee 373 was disbanded in 2012.
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