CENELEC - EN 45559
Methods for providing information relating to material efficiency aspects of energy-related products
Organization: | CENELEC |
Publication Date: | 1 March 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 28 |
ICS Code (Electronic components in general): | 31.020 |
ICS Code (Environmental impact assessment): | 13.020.30 |
ICS Code (Electrical engineering in general): | 29.020 |
This document establishes a common method for the provision of information related to the material efficiency (ME) aspects of ErP. It has two key intentions:
• it requires generic or horizontal ME topic publications to include a clause with an overview of the specific topic-related content to be reported; and
• it includes a generic method on how to create a communication strategy which will be used when preparing product-specific, or product-group, publications.
NOTE Through-out this document, the term "product" refers to "a specific product or a group of products".