BSI - BS 2000-306
Methods of test for petroleum and its products Part 306: Determination of oxidation stability of straight mineral oil
Organization: | BSI |
Publication Date: | 30 June 2011 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 20 |
ICS Code (Lubricants, industrial oils and related products): | 75.100 |
This method is designed to give a measure of the tendency of straight (i.e. plain) mineral lubricating oil to oxidize under specified conditions.
It employs the same apparatus and a similar procedure to those used to determine the oxidation stability of Inhibited Mineral Turbine Oil (BS 2000-280). It differs from this test in that (a) the test time is reduced to 48 h, (b) two conditions, namely no catalyst and solid copper metal catalyst are used, and (c) the degree of deterioration is expressed as total oxidation products (TOP) per cent.