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ISO 18920

Imaging materials - Reflection prints - Storage practices

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Organization: ISO
Publication Date: 1 October 2011
Status: active
Page Count: 30
ICS Code (Photographic paper, films and plates. Cartridges): 37.040.20

This International Standard specifies dark storage conditions, storage facilities and procedures for the handling and inspection of reflection prints of all types and sizes.

This International Standard is applicable to prints on the following opaque supports:

a) fibre-base paper;

b) RC (resin coated) paper;

c) pigmented and other types of plastic supports, e.g. polyester, cellulose acetate;

d) fabric, e.g. canvas, linen.

This International Standard is applicable to the following processed black-and-white silver gelatine prints:

1) wet-processed, including those that have been chemically treated to improve the permanence of the silver image and/or to modify its colour, e.g. with gold, selenium or sulphur formulations;

2) diffusion transfer, e.g. Polaroid and Fuji Photo Film instant prints1);

3) stabilization-processed (which contain the silver image as well as invisible, chemically stabilized silver halides).

This International Standard is applicable to the following processed multicolour and monochrome colour photographic prints:

i) chromogenic, washed and stabilized;

ii) silver dye bleach;

iii) dye transfer;

iv) diffusion transfer, e.g. Polaroid and Fuji Photo Film instant prints1), peel-apart or integral;

v) pigmented gelatine, e.g. carbon, carbro.

This International Standard is applicable to black-and-white and colour prints made with the following systems:

- thermal dye transfer (commonly referred to as dye sublimation);

- thermal wax transfer;

- electro-photographic;

- dye and pigmented ink jet;

- swellable and porous-coated media supports;

- diazo.

Recommendations for storage of photographic films and storage of processed photographic plates are given in ISO 18911 and ISO 18918 respectively.

This International Standard is applicable to medium-term and extended-term storage conditions, as defined in Clause 3.

1) Polaroid and Fuji Photo Film instant prints are examples of suitable products available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this International Standard and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO of these products.

Document History

ISO 18920
October 1, 2011
Imaging materials - Reflection prints - Storage practices
This International Standard specifies dark storage conditions, storage facilities and procedures for the handling and inspection of reflection prints of all types and sizes. This International...
July 15, 2000
Imaging Materials - Processed Photographic Reflection Prints - Storage Practices
A description is not available for this item.

