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Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice

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Organization: AASHTO
Publication Date: 1 January 2020
Status: active
Page Count: 264

Purpose of Manual

This manual of practice presents information to guide pavement design engineers in making decisions and using AASHTOWare PMED for new pavement and rehabilitation design. The manual does not provide guidance on developing regional or local calibration factors for predicting pavement distress and smoothness. A separate document, Guide for the Local Calibration of the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, provides guidance for determining the local calibration factors for both AC and PCC pavement types (2).

Document History

August 1, 2022
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 2021
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 2020
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
Purpose of Manual This manual of practice presents information to guide pavement design engineers in making decisions and using AASHTOWare PMED for new pavement and rehabilitation design. The manual...
January 1, 2020
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
Purpose of Manual This manual of practice presents information to guide pavement design engineers in making decisions and using AASHTOWare PMED for new pavement and rehabilitation design. The manual...
January 1, 2020
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
Purpose of Manual This manual of practice presents information to guide pavement design engineers in making decisions and using AASHTOWare PMED for new pavement and rehabilitation design. The manual...
August 1, 2015
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
PURPOSE OF MANUAL Th is manual of practice presents information to guide pavement design engineers in making decisions and using AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design for new pavement and rehabilitation...
July 1, 2008
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide: A Manual of Practice
PURPOSE OF MANUAL This manual of practice presents information to guide pavement design engineers in making decisions and using the MEPDG for new pavement and rehabilitation design. The manual does...

