Technology Guidance for Military Logistics Vehicles
Organization: | MODUK |
Publication Date: | 14 July 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 85 |
This Defence Standard (Def Stan) outlines the technical requirements for military logistic vehicles and towed equipment. It is complementary to the military logistic vehicle procurement requirement, User Requirement Document (URD) and System Requirement Document (SRD). It lists National and International Standards, Specifications, Agreements and Directives related to vehicle engineering and human factors. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all other relevant standards, regulations and guidelines are adhered to. The European Union (EU) Framework Directive for Motor Vehicles 2007/46/EC lists the technical directives which are required for type approval of vehicle before sale into the European Community (EC) market. This Def Stan does not cover motorcycles or quad bikes.
This Def Stan is intended to assist the procurement of military vehicles for operating both in the UK and other countries where rules and regulations may vary. If any non-conformance is found for equipment used in the UK then it needs to be technically reviewed/approved by the Land Systems Safety Board (LSSB).