Requirements for the Design and Installation of Fuel Systems for Gas Turbine Engines and Diesel Engines in HM Surface Ships and Submarines
Organization: | MODUK |
Publication Date: | 14 August 2020 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 102 |
a) This Defence Standard (Def Stan) 02-320 specifies the general requirements for the Design and Installation of Fuel Systems for Gas Turbine (GT) and Diesel Engines (DE) in HM Surface Ships, Craft and Nuclear Submarines from the deck filling connections to the inlet connection of the equipment consuming the Fuel.
b) This Standard covers the requirements for the types of Fuel to be handled, environmental conditions, materials, drawings and the complete Fuel System which may be divided into four (4) Sub-Systems:
1) Tanks;
2) Pipework, Valves and Instrumentation;
3) Fuel Transfer and Primary Clean-up;
4) Fuel Delivery and Final Clean.
Note: These Sub-Systems represent the way a practical Fuel System is installed in a HM Surface Ships or Submarines. Each Sub-System may be installed by separate designers and/or manufacturers. At the penalty of some repetition each Sub-System has its relevant criteria detailed to allow the user of this Def Stan to look at the complete Design criteria without constant cross-referencing on common areas.
c) Fuel Systems and their associated components shall comply with the requirements of all relevant standards whether European, International, National, Military or Naval.
d) The System Designers and Component Manufacturers shall describe any hazard that may exist during the operation or maintenance of the Fuel System. Precautions necessary to remove the hazard shall be detailed. If a hazard cannot be completely eliminated the Designer and Manufacturer shall state the possible consequences to personnel and equipment.
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