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ACI 332

Code Requirements for Residential Concrete (ACI 332-20) and Commentary

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Organization: ACI
Publication Date: 1 October 2020
Status: active
Page Count: 80

This chapter addresses (a) through (f):

(a) General requirements of this code

(b) Purpose of this code

(c) Applicability of this code

(d) Alternative systems

(e) Drawings and specifications

(f) Inspection

This code, when legally adopted as part of a general building code, provides minimum requirements for design and construction of residential concrete members. In areas without a legally adopted building code, this code defines minimum acceptable standards of design and construction practice.

This code supplements the general building code and governs matters pertaining to design and construction of cast-in-place concrete construction for one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses), and their accessory structures, except wherever this code conflicts with requirements in the legally adopted general building code.

Where this code conflicts with requirements contained in other standards referenced in this code, this code shall govern.

This code is limited to design and construction of concrete footings, including thickened slab footings, wall footings, and isolated footings; concrete basement or foundation walls and above-grade walls constructed with removable forms or with flat insulating concrete forms; and concrete slabs-on-ground.

Where the scope of this code and the scope of ACI 318 coincide, design in accordance with ACI 318 shall be permitted for all buildings and structures, and all parts thereof, within the scope of this code.

Seismic design

The seismic risk level of a region, or seismic performance or design category of a structure, shall be regulated by the legally adopted general building code, of which this code forms a part, or determined by the local authority.

This code does not govern design and construction of insulating concrete form walls with a waffle or screen configuration; precast wall members; cantilevered walls or retaining walls; deep foundation systems, such as piles, drilled piers, or caissons; and elevated concrete slabs.

This code does not govern the design and application of methods for top lateral wall support, surface drainage, waterproofing, dampproofing, or the ventilation of radon gases.

When a building or structure contains concrete members that exceed the limits of this code or otherwise do not conform to this code, these concrete members shall be designed in accordance with ACI 318.

Where permitted by the statutes of the jurisdiction where the project is to be constructed, construction documents for residences designed by the provisions of this code need not be prepared by a licensed design professional. Where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction where the project is to be constructed, a licensed design professional shall prepare the construction documents for residences.

This code is intended to state only minimum requirements necessary to provide for public health and safety for the design of residences that fall within the scope of IRC-2018. The owner or the licensed design professional may require the quality of materials and construction to be higher than the minimum requirements stated in the code.

All references to minimum and maximum dimensions or values in the code refer to those dimensions or values as specified.

This code is not intended to define contractual responsibilities between all the parties involved in a project, nor is it intended to settle disputes regarding contractual responsibilities.

The commentary text, tables, figures, or illustrations shall not be used to interpret the code in a way that conflicts with the plain meaning of the code text, or to create ambiguity within the code that would not otherwise exist.

The English version in U.S. customary units is the official version of the code. In case of conflict between the official version and versions with SI units or in different languages, the official version governs.

Document History

October 1, 2020
Code Requirements for Residential Concrete (ACI 332-20) and Commentary
This chapter addresses (a) through (f): (a) General requirements of this code (b) Purpose of this code (c) Applicability of this code (d) Alternative systems (e) Drawings and specifications (f)...
ACI 332
October 1, 2020
Code Requirements for Residential Concrete (ACI 332-20) and Commentary
This chapter addresses (a) through (f): (a) General requirements of this code (b) Purpose of this code (c) Applicability of this code (d) Alternative systems (e) Drawings and specifications (f)...
February 1, 2014
Residential Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 332-10) and Commentary
This code, when legally adopted as part of a general building code, provides minimum requirements for design and construction of residential concrete elements. In areas without a legally adopted...
July 1, 2010
Residential Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 332-10) and Commentary
This Code, when legally adopted as part of a general building code, provides minimum requirements for design and construction of residential concrete elements. In areas without a legally adopted...
June 1, 2008
Code Requirements for Residential Concrete and Commentary
This code provides minimum requirements for design and construction of residential concrete elements when legally adopted as part of a general building code, of which this code forms a part. In areas...
January 1, 2004
Requirements for Residential Concrete Construction and Commentary
This code provides minimum requirements for design and construction of residential concrete elements when legally adopted as part of a general building code, of which this code forms a part. In areas...

