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IEC 62769-5

Field device integration (FDI) – Part 5: Information Model

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Organization: IEC
Publication Date: 1 February 2021
Status: active
Page Count: 130
ICS Code (Industrial process measurement and control): 25.040.40
ICS Code (Multilayer applications): 35.100.05

This part of IEC 62769 defines the FDI Information Model. One of the main tasks of the Information Model is to reflect the topology of the automation system. Therefore, it represents the devices of the automation system as well as the connecting communication networks including their properties, relationships, and the operations that can be performed on them. The types in the AddressSpace of the FDI Server constitute a catalogue, which is built from FDI Packages.

The fundamental types for the FDI Information Model are well defined in OPC UA for Devices (IEC 62541-100). The FDI Information Model specifies extensions for a few special cases and otherwise explains how these types are used and how the contents are built from elements of DevicePackages.

The overall FDI architecture is illustrated in Figure 1. The architectural components that are within the scope of this document have been highlighted in this illustration.

Document History

April 1, 2023
Field device integration (FDI) – Part 5: FDI Information Model
This part of IEC 62769 defines the FDI®1 Information Model. One of the main tasks of the Information Model is to reflect the topology of the automation system. Therefore, it represents the devices of...
IEC 62769-5
February 1, 2021
Field device integration (FDI) – Part 5: Information Model
This part of IEC 62769 defines the FDI Information Model. One of the main tasks of the Information Model is to reflect the topology of the automation system. Therefore, it represents the devices of...
May 1, 2015
Field Device Integration (FDI) - Part 5: FDI Information Model
This part of IEC 62769 defines the FDI Information Model. One of the main tasks of the Information Model is to reflect the topology of the automation system. Therefore it represents the devices of...

