NEN-IEC 61468
Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation systems important to safety - In-core instrumentation: Characteristics and test methods of self-powered neutron detectors
Organization: | NEN |
Publication Date: | 1 May 2021 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 44 |
ICS Code (Nuclear power plants. Safety): | 27.120.20 |
This document applies to in-core neutron detectors, viz. self-powered neutron detectors (SPNDs), which are intended for application in systems important for nuclear reactor safety: protection, instrumentation and control. This document contains SPND characteristics and test methods. In this document, the main sources of errors, and the possibilities for their minimization are also considered.
Self-powered neutron detectors can be used for measurement of neutron fluence rate and associated parameters in nuclear reactors. Most popular for the indicated applications are detectors with rhodium emitters.
In this document dynamic characteristics, emitter burn-up, identity and other factors influencing operational characteristics of detectors are considered.
Besides SPNDs with rhodium emitters, SPNDs with emitters from other materials and their main characteristics are also considered in this document.
This document contains requirements, recommendations and instructions concerning selection of SPND type and characteristics for various possible applications. This document about SPNDs uses the basic requirements of IEC 61513 and IEC 60568 and complements them with more specific provisions in compliance with IAEA Safety Guides.
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