ARMY - DA PAM 25-40
Army Publishing Program Procedures
Organization: | ARMY |
Publication Date: | 14 June 2021 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 140 |
This pamphlet provides information on how to prepare, publish, order, and distribute Department of the Army (DA) publications and forms. It provides procedures for policies established in AR 25-30. It contains instructions, processes, formats, reporting requirements, and guidelines used to carry out the Army's publishing program. It provides information on prioritizing, planning, developing, organizing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, printing, and distributing DA publications, forms, and media products for three publishing domains: DA administrative, training and doctrinal, and technical and equipment publications. While this pamphlet primarily addresses DA publications applicable to all Soldiers (Active, Reserve, and Guard) and DA Civilians, it also contains procedures on the management of agency, command, and installation level publications and forms.