ASSP - Z459.1
Safety Requirements for Rope Access Systems
Organization: | ASSP |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2021 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 48 |
This standard sets forth accepted practices for rope access work. It is applicable for use in any environment where ropes are suspended from or connected to a structure or natural feature and used as the primary means of access, egress or support and as the primary means of secondary protection against a fall.
NOTE: This standard includes minimum program, equipment, component and element requirements for the use and application of the two-rope system, including both progress system and backup system, required for use during rope access work.
Where applicable, this standard establishes requirements for the performance, design, marking, qualification, test methods and instructions of key equipment comprising rope access systems for authorized rope access technicians within the capacity range of 130 pounds to 310 pounds (59kg to 141kg).
This standard should be used in conjunction with other fall protection requirements standards in order to achieve a balanced managed fall protection program.
NOTE: Additional guidance on training, use, maintenance, removal from service of rope access systems is addressed in ANSI/ASSP Z359.2, Minimum Requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program, which provides the requirements for overall program management.
This standard addresses minimum requirements for system planning and use as well as, design, manufacture and testing of equipment used for rope access.
This standard addresses principles and equipment for rope access systems.
NOTE: Parts of these systems may be similar in appearance to that used for restraint, positioning or fall arrest. However, because such equipment differs in design, use and application, the user should exercise caution to not confuse rope access equipment with these conventional systems.
This standard addresses all forms of rope access that involve movement up or down and working while being suspended from ropes. This may include traversing, aid climbing, lead climbing and other forms of suspended access.
This standard addresses all aspects of an effective rope access program, which is not limited to equipment only. The comprehensive rope access program shall be written to include provision for:
• effective management;
• competence specific to rope access;
• suitable equipment.
NOTE: Rope access technicians, designers, safety managers, competent rope access technicians, purchasing personnel, trainers, clients and regulatory authorities should always consider the entire system of work to ensure correct operation of a rope access system:
• system management and planning;
• certification of competent rope access technicians and appropriate team composition;
• equipment selection, use and maintenance;
• proper organization and execution of working methods.
Other factors may also warrant consideration depending upon the nature and location of work to be performed, competence and experience of rope access technicians and variation in regulatory requirements.
Additional guidance toward competence and management of a comprehensive managed fall protection program may be found in ANSI/ASSP Z359.2, Minimum Requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program.
This document sets forth the provisions that equipment must meet in order to bear the marking "Z459.1" or be represented in any way as being in compliance with this standard.
This document sets forth the intent that before any person shall engage in rope access work, they shall be properly trained in the necessary skills and possess the knowledge specific to rope access, and their competency in rope access be verified by the employer's rope access program administrator.
NOTE: Additional information regarding appropriate training for authorized rope access technicians may be found in the authorized rope access technician section of Z359.2. Additional information regarding appropriate training for rope access competent rope access technicians may be found in the competent rope access technician section of Z359.2.
In this standard, values for measurement are followed by an equivalent in parentheses, but only the first stated value shall be regarded as the requirement. Equivalent values in parentheses are not considered as the requirement, as these values can be approximate.
Unless otherwise specified, the values stated in this standard are expressed as nominal values. Except for temperature limits, values which are not stated as maxima or minima shall be subject to a tolerance of ± 5%. Unless otherwise specified, the ambient temperature for testing shall be between 35°F and 100°F and all other temperature limits shall be subject to an accuracy of ± 2°F.
Products, systems and programs shall be compliant to requirements of this standard (effective date) within 12 months after the standard's publication date.
For the purposes of this standard, the terms "Authorized Rope Access Technician," "Competent Rope Access Technician," "Qualified Rope Access Person," and "Rope Access Program Administrator" shall have the meanings unique to rope access as defined in Section 2.