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Wastewater Solid-Liquid Separators and System Components

active, Most Current
Organization: IAPMO
Publication Date: 1 April 2022
Status: active
Page Count: 18


This Standard applies to wastewater solid-liquid separators and optional complementary components used to assemble wastewater management systems, and specifies requirements for materials, physical characteristics, testing, and markings. The complementary components covered in this Standard are

(a) wastewater holding tanks;

(b) sewage pumps; and

(c) wastewater heat exchangers.

This Standard also specifies requirements for system accessories such as controllers, pipe, pipe fittings, and couplings, necessary for the complete installation of the system.

Alternative Materials

The requirements of this Standard are not intended to prevent the use of alternative materials or methods of construction provided such alternatives meet the intent and requirements of this Standard.


In this Standard,

(a) "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy to comply with the Standard;

(b) "should" is used to express a recommendation, but not a requirement;

(c) "may" is used to express an option or something permissible within the scope of the Standard; and

(d) "can" is used to express a possibility or a capability.

Notes accompanying sections of the Standard do not specify requirements or alternative requirements; their purpose is to separate explanatory or informative material from the text. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and can be written as requirements.

Units of Measurement

SI units are the primary units of record in global commerce. In this Standard, the inch/pound units are shown in parentheses. The values stated in each measurement system are equivalent in application, but each unit system is to be used independently. All references to gallons are to U.S. gallons.

Document History

IGC 375
April 1, 2022
Wastewater Solid-Liquid Separators and System Components
Inclusions This Standard applies to wastewater solid-liquid separators and optional complementary components used to assemble wastewater management systems, and specifies requirements for materials,...

