LUL - S1922
Requirements for Electric Track Equipment
Organization: | LUL |
Publication Date: | 1 July 2022 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 34 |
This standard is to be used by traction system designers, ETE suppliers and maintainers. This standard:
a) defines the minimum requirements for the performance of the ETE system
b) defines the specific requirements for Track Isolating Switches
c) defines the minimum acceptable condition and maintenance periodicities for ETE including:
i. DC Cables and Terminations;
ii. Conductor Rail Bonds;
iii. Traction Bleed Resistors (when mounted trackside);
iv. Low Current DC Track Connections;
v. Track Isolating Switches;
vi. Circuit breakers (not encompassed by S1109 but including trackside siding contactors);
vii. Disconnection Panels;
viii. Emergency Gap Jumper Cables and their storage cabinets;
ix. Equipment for Depot Shed Shore Supplies;
x. Equipment permanently connected to the conductor rails to indicate the presence of traction voltage (P-CRID).
This standard excludes the requirements for equipment within the traction supply substation and the conductor rails.
The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum requirements for Electrical Track Equipment (ETE) used to control the delivery of the DC traction supply to London Underground's conductor rail network, including main lines, depots, sidings and shore supplies in depot sheds.
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