ICAO - 10047
Aviation Security Oversight Manual The Establishment and Management of a State Aviation Security Oversight System
Organization: | ICAO |
Publication Date: | 1 January 2021 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 50 |
This manual outlines the duties and responsibilities of ICAO Member States with respect to the establishment and management of a State aviation security oversight system. It is directed at high-level government decision makers, including appropriate authorities for aviation security, as it highlights States' obligations as signatories to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944, and provides guidance to assist States in establishing and managing an effective and sustainable State aviation security oversight system, through the implementation of the eight critical elements (CEs) of such a system.
This manual focuses on the eight CEs that have been identified as essential components of a State aviation security oversight system. These CEs are as follows:
CE-1 - Primary aviation security legislation;
CE-2 - Aviation security programmes and regulations;
CE-3 - State appropriate authority for aviation security and its responsibilities;
CE-4 - Personnel qualifications and training;
CE-5 - Provision of technical guidance, tools and security-critical information;
CE-6 - Certification and approval obligations;
CE-7 - Quality control obligations; and
CE-8 - Resolution of security concerns.
On becoming parties to the Chicago Convention, Contracting States agree to certain principles and arrangements in order that international civil aviation may be developed in a safe, secure and orderly manner. Specifically, all civil aviation operations must be conducted according to internationally accepted standards, procedures and practices. Therefore, Contracting States need to establish and implement a system that enables them to satisfactorily and sustainably discharge such international obligations and responsibilities. Considering that the level of protection against acts of unlawful interference deriving from the implementation of security measures is only as strong as the weakest link in the global aviation network, it is particularly important to maintain uniformity in the effectiveness of worldwide Security Standards.
The fundamental challenge in the establishment and management of a State aviation security oversight system is to create a security regime that is highly effective in preventing acts of unlawful interference, but does not unduly inhibit the growth of civil aviation, interfere with its efficiency and productivity, impose excessive costs, or create unwarranted operational inconveniences. This manual presents guidance on how States may achieve the objective of creating such a regime by ensuring their aviation security system addresses all the CEs listed above.
The first edition of this manual was developed by the ICAO Secretariat for the transition of the Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) to a continuous monitoring approach (CMA) as directed under Assembly Resolution A38-15 - Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies related to aviation security. This second edition was developed to provide additional guidance to States on the establishment and management of an effective and sustainable State aviation security oversight system.
In order to keep this manual relevant and accurate, suggestions for improving it in terms of format, content or presentation are welcome. Any such recommendation or suggestion will be examined and, if found suitable, will be included in the next edition of this manual. Regular revision will ensure that this manual remains both pertinent and accurate.