LUL - S1963
Substation Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Equipment
Organization: | LUL |
Publication Date: | 1 October 2022 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 23 |
This standard is for the use by TfL projects, designers, suppliers to TfL, maintenance and support teams and applies to the design, procurement, supply and installation of all new power SCADA equipment; extensions, modifications and upgrades to existing equipment; and associated ancillary and interface equipment, including Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) where these are used for remote control and/or indication, to be installed at substations and other similar locations.
This standard specifies Power Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and associated equipment located at substations and other similar locations, for use in conjunction with power SCADA central control systems on London Underground (LU).
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