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IEEE - 2960

Guide for Testing Equipment for Direct Current Electrical Energy Meters

active, Most Current
Organization: IEEE
Publication Date: 15 February 2023
Status: active
Page Count: 31

Stationary Meter Test Units (MTU) permanently installed in laboratories, used for testing and calibration of direct current electrical energy meters, in particular for their type test, acceptance test and verification test, are applied to in this guide. The requirements for automatic MTU for indoor laboratory application and applies to newly manufactured MTU to test electrical energy meters on direct current systems with voltage up to 1 500 V is covered.

For direct current electrical energy meters, IEC 62052-11 and IEC 62053-41 are applicable.6


The purpose of this guide is to provide technical guidance, in the design, research, development, manufacturing, testing and application stages, to the purchasers, test agencies, manufacturers and research institutes of the testing equipment for dc electrical energy meters. This guide specifies the technical requirements, test methods and test rules of the testing equipment for dc electrical energy meters, directs the tests on both brand new and in-service testing equipment for dc electrical energy meters, and promotes healthy development of the industries and technologies in connection with the testing equipment for dc electrical energy meters.

6Information on references can be found in Clause 2.

Document History

February 15, 2023
Guide for Testing Equipment for Direct Current Electrical Energy Meters
Stationary Meter Test Units (MTU) permanently installed in laboratories, used for testing and calibration of direct current electrical energy meters, in particular for their type test, acceptance...

