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FAA - FO 8000.95C

Designee Management Policy

active, Most Current
Organization: FAA
Publication Date: 21 September 2023
Status: active
Page Count: 430

Purpose of This Order.

This order establishes policy for integrated designee management across the Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM), Aircraft Certification Service (AIR), Flight Standards Service (FS), and Air Traffic Safety Oversight Service (AOV), as well as the use of the Designee Management System (DMS), which is a web-based tool designed to standardize the management of designees.

a. This order consolidates orders across Aviation Safety (AVS) services and offices (S/O) and establishes a common policy section for all designees and provides respective volumes for the specific designee types. These policy changes are global in nature and, therefore, are not listed individually.

b. All users of this order must familiarize themselves with its contents and comply with the instructions and guidance contained herein. Many of the procedural functions are not included in the order since they are now incorporated into the functionality of DMS.

Document History

FO 8000.95C
September 21, 2023
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order establishes policy for integrated designee management across the Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM), Aircraft Certification Service (AIR), Flight Standards Service...
April 12, 2022
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order establishes policy for integrated designee management across the Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM), Aircraft Certification Service (AIR), Flight Standards Service...
December 7, 2020
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order establishes policy for integrated designee management across the Office of Aerospace Medicine (AAM), Aircraft Certification Service (AIR), and Flight Standards...
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order is a comprehensive publication establishing policy and procedures for managing all aspects of certain representatives of the Administrator including selection,...
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order is a comprehensive publication establishing policy and procedures for managing all aspects of certain representatives of the Administrator including selection,...
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order establishes policy for integrated designee management and the use of the Designee Management System (DMS), which is a Web-based tool designed to standardize the...
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of this Order. This Order establishes policy for integrated designee management and the use of the Designee Management System (DMS), which is a web-based tool designed to standardize the...
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
A description is not available for this item.
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order is a comprehensive publication establishing policy and procedures for managing all aspects of certain representatives of the Administrator including selection,...
April 11, 2014
Designee Management Policy
Purpose of This Order. This order is a comprehensive publication establishing policy and procedures for managing all aspects of certain representatives of the Administrator including selection,...

