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NASA NPR 8800.15 REV C W/CHG 2

Real Estate Management Program w/Change 2, December 20, 2022

active, Most Current
Publication Date: 20 December 2022
Status: active
Page Count: 67


a. This directive provides NASA real property managers with a common set of requirements and uniform, orderly processes for meeting NASA's real property requirements. Each chapter of this directive has a focus on a specific core process and includes required documentation.

b. This directive provides roles, responsibilities, and relationships of key NASA personnel tasked with acquiring, managing, and disposing of real estate assets on NASA's behalf, including:

(1) Real Property Accountable Officers (RPAOs).

(2) Facilities Utilization Officers (FUOs).

(3) Center Directors.

(4) Director, NASA Management Office.

(5) Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance (DCFO (F)).

(6) Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs).

(7) Facility Project Managers (FPMs).

(8) Director, Facilities and Real Estate Division (FRED) (formerly the Facilities Engineering and Real Property Division).

(9) Associate Administrator, Mission Support Directorate.

(10) Assistant Administrator, Office of Strategic Infrastructure (OSI).

c. This directive provides a guide to the required coordination among various NASA and other Federal offices in matters concerning real property management.

d. This directive provides direction on the use of the NASA Real Property Management System (RPMS) electronic database, which facilitates accurate compilation, analysis, and reporting of real property assets and their utilization.


a. In accordance with Federal Management Regulation (FMR) 2011-03 Subchapter C, this directive defines real property as follows: (1) Any interest in land, together with the improvements, structures, and fixtures located thereon (including prefabricated movable structures) and appurtenances thereto under NASA's control, (2) improvements of any kind, structures, and fixtures when designated for disposition without the underlying land, and (3) standing timber and embedded gravel, sand, or stone. Refer to FMR 2011-03 Subchapter C for the full definition.

b. This directive applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including component facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers.

c. This directive applies to Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), other contractors, grant recipients, or parties to agreements only to the extent specified or referenced in the appropriate contracts, grants, or agreements.

d. Real property matters involving international agreements shall be coordinated by the Director, FRED, through the NASA Office of the General Counsel (OGC) and the NASA Office of International and Interagency Relations. NASA Headquarters will coordinate with the Department of State, as required.

e. Unless it is specifically noted otherwise in this document, the provisions of this directive also apply to properties leased by the General Services Administration (GSA) for NASA's use, including those in the District of Columbia. These properties are managed by GSA.

f. Unless otherwise required by law, the provisions of this directive do not supersede the terms of any labor agreement between NASA and NASA Employee Unions provided that such labor agreement is in effect and unexpired as of the effective date of this document. The forgoing does not preclude the negotiation of future labor proposals that are inconsistent with the provisions of this document but are otherwise allowed by law.

g. In this directive, all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms: "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission, "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required, "will" denotes expected outcome, and "are/is" denotes descriptive material.

h. In this directive, all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted

Document History

NASA NPR 8800.15 REV C W/CHG 2
December 20, 2022
Real Estate Management Program w/Change 2, December 20, 2022
Purpose a. This directive provides NASA real property managers with a common set of requirements and uniform, orderly processes for meeting NASA's real property requirements. Each chapter of this...

