ISO - FDIS 37112
Sustainable cities and communities — Case studies in how smart city operating models support an effective public-health emergency response
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 9 November 2023 |
Status: | pending |
Page Count: | 40 |
ICS Code (Company organization and management in general): | 03.100.01 |
ICS Code (Environmental economics. Sustainability): | 13.020.20 |
This document identifies good practice case studies of smart city responses to COVID-19 through the use of smart technologies, smart data, smart decision-making and smart ways of working. In particular, it aims to demonstrate how the principles for smart city operating models recommended in ISO 37106 can deliver improved outcomes in public-health emergency management (PHEM), at every stage of the command-and-control process for emergency management and incident response set out in ISO 22320.
This document is intended to inform ISO 37113),1) which recommends a framework of good practices that can be used in responding to future public-health emergencies.
1) Under development. Stage at the time of publication: ISO/DIS 37113.
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