This test method covers the determination of flexural strength of advanced ceramic materials at ambient temperature. Four-point-1⁄4-point and three-point loadings with prescribed spans are the...
This test method covers the determination of ultimate strength under monotonic loading of advanced ceramics in tubular form at ambient temperatures. The ultimate strength as used in this test method...
These test methods cover the fracture toughness, KIc, determination of advanced ceramics at ambient temperature. The methods determine KIpb (precracked beam test specimen), KIsc (surface crack in...
This test method covers the determination of the equibiaxial strength of advanced ceramics at ambient temperature via concentric ring configurations under monotonic uniaxial loading. In addition,...
These test methods cover the determination of the modulus of rupture in bending of glass and glass-ceramics. These test methods are applicable to annealed and prestressed glasses and glass-ceramics...