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ACI 362.1R

Guide for the Design and Construction of Durable Concrete Parking Structures

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Organization: ACI
Publication Date: 1 September 2012
Status: active
Page Count: 28

The purpose of this guide is to provide specific information on several of the design aspects and the construction of parking structures that differentiates them from other concrete structures. This guide should be used with ACI 318-11, ACI specifications, and ACI standards.

Environmental conditions of the geographic location of a parking structure determine the governing criteria used in this guide. Environmental conditions include structure proximity to sea water and frequency of exposure to direct and indirect applications of deicing salts and freezing temperatures. Once the appropriate environmental conditions are determined, this guide provides the necessary durability criteria for parking structure design and construction. Parking structures integrally constructed with surrounding earth-retaining walls or other restraining structures require additional analysis of the restraining forces and lateral soil loads.

Document History

ACI 362.1R
September 1, 2012
Guide for the Design and Construction of Durable Concrete Parking Structures
The purpose of this guide is to provide specific information on several of the design aspects and the construction of parking structures that differentiates them from other concrete structures. This...
May 8, 1997
Guide for the Design of Durable Parking Structures
A description is not available for this item.
January 1, 1997
Guide for the Design of Durable Parking Structures
Introduction  ACI 318 requires a general consideration of the durability of concrete structures. Because some concrete parking structures have undergone significant deterioration, it is the purpose...
January 1, 1994
Guide for the Design of Durable Parking Structures
A description is not available for this item.

