ARMY - AR 310-34
Organization: | ARMY |
Publication Date: | 12 November 1986 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 312 |
This regulation-
(1) Prescribes the documents that are used to establish requirements for and authorize equipment to units or individuals in the Army or both.
(2) Prescribes the policies and guidance for the inclusion of equipment in tables of organization and equipment (TOES), modification tables of organization and equipment (MTOEs), tables of distribution and allowances (TDAs), joint tables of allowances (ITAS!, and common tables of allowances (CTAs).
(3) Prescribes policies and assigns responsibilities for the inclusion and exclusion (that is separate authorization) of all major end items used with adopted sets, kits, outfits, and assemblages.
(4) Prescribes an overall Department of the Army (DA) equipment usage management program and usage standards for those types of equipment not presently managed by other DA or Department of Defense (DOD) publications.
( 5 ) Prescribes the policies, responsibilities, and procedures for developing, processing, and changing CTAs.
(6) Provides a consolidated reference to be used as guidance in specifying quantities of equipment in-
(a) TOE requirements documents and MTOE authorization documents. (See apps B and C.) (b) TDA and JTA authorization documents. (See app D.)
b. This regulation, together with AR 310-31 and AR 310-49, implements the DA equipment authorization policy, pre- scribing uniform policy as to the concept, coverage, use, review, and approval of equipment allowances and authorization documents. The objective is to provide the following:
(1) Optimum allowances of equipment to permit an organization to carry Out the mission assigned.
(2) A basis for the Army to-
(a) Plan for and ascertain definitive de-terminations of total equipment requirements.
(b) Adjust authorizations of equipment allowances to assure specific organizational capabilities required under current plans.
(c) Determine timely budget and pro- curement projections of Army materiel programs.
(d) Determine and report equipment shortages or deficiencies.
(3) A means for central control and re view of equipment authorizations by Head- quarters, Department of the Army (HQDA).
Applicabillty. This regulation applies to the Active Army, the Army National Guard. and the U.S. Army Reserve. It applies specifically to commands and agencies charged with the development, review, and approval of tables of organization and equipment, modification tables of organization and equipment, tables of distributim and allowances, joint tables of allowances, and common tables of allowances.