CEI UNI EN/ISO 80000-5
Quantities and units Part 5: Thermodynamics
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Organization: | CEI |
Publication Date: | 1 May 2013 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 38 |
ICS Code (Quantities and units): | 01.060 |
ISO 80000-5 gives names, symbols and definitions for quantities and units of thermodynamics. Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given.
Document History
CEI UNI EN/ISO 80000-5
May 1, 2013
Quantities and units Part 5: Thermodynamics
ISO 80000-5 gives names, symbols and definitions for quantities and units of thermodynamics. Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given.
July 1, 2009
Quantities and units Part 5: Thermodynamics
La Norma fornisce nomi, simboli e definizioni per le grandezze e le unità di misura relative alla termodinamica.
Sono inoltre riportati i fattori di conversione, ove appropriato.
Questa Norma viene...