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ASD-STAN PREN 4165-002

Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular Operating temperature 175 °C continuous Part 002: Specification of performance and contact arrangements

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Organization: ASD-STAN
Publication Date: 1 April 2014
Status: active
Page Count: 19

This standard defines a number of conditions common to rectangular electrical modular connectors for receptacles, plugs and rack and panel, with interchangeable modules and continuous operating temperature 175 °C.

Document History

October 1, 2021
Aerospace series — Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular — Operating temperature 175 °C continuous — Part 002: Specification of performance and contact arrangements
This document defines a number of conditions common to rectangular electrical modular connectors for receptacles, plugs and rack and panel, with interchangeable modules and continuous operating...
ASD-STAN PREN 4165-002
April 1, 2014
Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular Operating temperature 175 °C continuous Part 002: Specification of performance and contact arrangements
This standard defines a number of conditions common to rectangular electrical modular connectors for receptacles, plugs and rack and panel, with interchangeable modules and continuous operating...
December 1, 2001
Aerospace Series Connectors, Electrical, Rectangular, Modular Operating Temperature 175 Degrees C Continuous Part 002: Specification of Performance and Contact Arrangements
This standard defines a number of conditions common to rectangular electrical modular connectors for receptacles, plugs and rack and panel, with interchangeable modules and continuous operating...

