ARMY - AR 614-100
Organization: | ARMY |
Publication Date: | 20 September 2000 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 52 |
This regulation applies to active duty officers of the Active Army, the Army National Guard of the United States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, except the following: general officers, members of the Active Guard/Reserve Program, reservists serving on temporary tours of active duty, active duty for training, U.S. Property and Fiscal Officers, members of the Selective Service System, and officers serving with the Reserve Forces Policy Board.
a. This regulation establishes policies and procedures for the reassignment of commissioned and warrant officers between commands or units of the Army. Procedures are established for processing requests for reassignment and restrictions are imposed on permanent changes of station (PCS) of officers as individuals and as members of units.
b. This regulation remains in effect for all levels of contingency through partial mobilization unless otherwise stated under a Department of Army (DA) approved operations plan. It will continue to govern reassignment procedures and policies as stated until so directed by the Army Staff (ARSTAF). Guidance pertaining to conditions of a full or total mobilization will be provided as required by the ARSTAF. In the event of any level of mobilization, the reassignment of an officer that has been approved but not executed may be revoked by the Officer Personnel Management Directorate, U.S. Total Army Personnel Command (OPMD, PERSCOM). Major Army commands (MACOMs) and DA agencies will be informed as specific reassignment procedures are decentralized from PERSCOM to MACOMs for OPMD managed officers.
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