Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 31 October 2006 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 381 |
In accordance with the Department of Defense (DOD) Engineering for Transportability program described in DOD Instruction 4540.7, Operation of the DOD Engineering for Transportability and Deployability Program, this standard establishes basic transportability interface criteria for use in the development and shipment of items of materiel. The standard covers dimensional and weight limitations for all modes of transport to ensure that new and modified systems meet the interface requirements of the Defense Transportation System (DTS) (highways, tunnels, bridges, railways, etc.) and the DTS lift assests (rotary and fixed wing aircraft, railcars, ships, barges, etc.) for unrestricted worldwide transport and deployment. It also covers lifting and tiedown provisions, containerization criteria, overloads, assembly/disassembly
This DOD interface standard is for use by the DOD acquisition community, to include the private sector, in the acquisition of defense materiel and systems. It should be included, by reference, in appropriate documentation of the DOD acquisition process to ensure acceptable transportability (see 3.45). The Defense Standards Improvement Council (DSIC) approved this standard as an interface standard in May 1995; therefore, reference of this standard in solicitations does not require a waiver.
Measurement untis.
This standard uses the measurement system, either English or metric, of the source material as the primary measurement. The conversion to the other measurements system is provided in parentheses.