NPFC - MIL-C-81441
Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 15 August 1966 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 13 |
The equipment covered by this specification shall provide control of the following functions when installed in the Integrated Electronic Centrals AN/ASQ-88A or AN/ASQ-19A.
(1) UHF Communication Equipment
(2) UHF Aux Receiver Equipment
(3) UHF ADF Equipment
(4) Comm Channel Indicator ID-1311/ASQ.
This equipment shall operate with the associated equipment listed in 6.4.
No data is required by this specification (other than reports accompanying samples submitted for testing) or by applicable documents, unless specified in the contract or order (see paragraph 6.8).
intended Use:
This equipment is intended to be used to provide control of the UHF Communication, UHF Auxiliary Receiver and UHF ADF equipments of Integrated Electronic Central AN/ASQ-88A or AN/ASQ-19A.
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