SNZ NZS 4332
Organization: | SNZ |
Publication Date: | 1 January 1997 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 164 |
The scope of this Standard is the design, construction, operation and testing of passenger carrying lifts including goods lifts with car controls.
It is not intended for lifts in single unit dwellings.
This Standard applies to new building work being either the installation of a new lift or new work associated with an existing installation.
New work includes the complete or substantial replacement of a major part of the lift such as occurs with:
(a) An increase in the carrying load requiring a new hoisting machine and new ropes;
(b) An extension of travel by addition of a new floor or floors; and
(c) A conversion of hydraulic or belt driven lift to electric drive.
It does not include routine maintenance, or repair or replacement of any component or assembly with a comparable component or assembly.
(1) A conversion or assembly replacement that results in a speed increase will count as new work if the resulting installation can no longer comply with the speed-related requirements of this Standard such as top and bottom clearances etc. A refit of a lift car that significantly increases the car weight may also count as new work. An increase in car weight requires the balancing to be checked and a review of the lift drive capacity, guide rail capability etc.
(2) The structural design of the building necessary to support the installation of the lift shall comply with clause B1 of the NZBC, and is not covered by the Standard.
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