DS/IEC/PAS 61883-6
Consumer audio/video equipment - Digital interface - Part 6: Audio and music data transmission protocol
Organization: | DS |
Publication Date: | 28 June 2000 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 30 |
ICS Code (Audio, video and audiovisual systems in general): | 33.160.01 |
This document defines the audio and music data transmission protocol as an instance of a real-time data transmission protocol to be standardized under IEC 61883-1/FDIS in the future. The audio and music data transmission protocol can be applied to all modules or devices which have any kind of audio and/or music data processing, generation and conversion function blocks. This specification deals only with the transmission of audio and music data; the control, status and machine readable description of these modules or devices should be defined outside of this specification according to each application area.
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