ISO 3834-1
Quality requirements for fusion welding - of metallic materials - Part 1: Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 15 December 2005 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 14 |
ICS Code (Welding, brazing and soldering in general): | 25.160.01 |
This part of ISO 3834 provides a general outline of ISO 3834 and criteria to be taken into account for the selection of the appropriate level of quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials, among the three levels specified in ISO 3834-2 [3], ISO 3834-3 [4] and ISO 3834-4 [5]. It applies to manufacturing, both in workshops and at field installation sites.
NOTE 1 ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 and ISO 3834-4 provide complete sets of quality requirements for process control related to all fusion welding processes (for each process separately or in combination as specified). ISO 3834-5 specifies the documents with which it is necessary to conform to claim conformity to the quality requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or ISO 3834-4.
This part of ISO 3834 does not specify requirements for a total quality management system. However, Clause 6 identifies quality management system elements where their inclusion will complement ISO 3834.
NOTE 2 ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 and ISO 3834-4 may be used on their own by a manufacturer or in conjunction with ISO 9001:2000.
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