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Requirements for the Policy, Design and Installation of Fire Detection Systems in Ships

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Organization: MODUK
Publication Date: 1 June 2001
Status: active
Page Count: 84

This Defence Standard is concerned with shipwide fire detection systems. The main fire detection control panel and detectors shall form an Autonomous Fire Detection and Alarm System (AFDAS).

The basic general principles of this Defence Standard are to be applied to any fire detection systems that are fitted. Systems fitted to HM Surface Ships and Submarines are to comply with this standard, but boats and auxiliary vessels are excluded from the main requirements.

Autonomous fire detection systems comprise automatic fixed fire detectors, fire alarms, control panels, indicating units and the associated electric cabling to connect and energise the system. Their purpose is to protect the ship spaces and compartments.

Autonomous fire detection systems may be fitted to any class of vessel. When vessels have a Platform Management System (PMS) or an integrated damage control and surveillance system, those elements peculiar to fire detection are to follow the principles of this standard.

Cabinet monitors, specific machinery monitors and automatic fire suppression systems with their own detectors (which employ techniques for fire detection similar to those of this standard) are the responsibility of the relevant equipment design authorities and are outside the scope of this standard. However, addressable fire detection systems are capable of providing identification of individual detectors and could display these alarms of fire at the Fire Detection (FD) controller. Warship Project Manager (WPM) should be consulted on the requirement to display such alarms on the FD controller.

Portable fire detection or alarm systems for temporary protection during shipyard work, are outside the scope of this standard.

Vessels procured for RN or RFA service but not normally described as warships, may be subject to statutory rules and regulations. Guidance on the requirements for such vessels is provided within this standard, by reference to The Merchant Shipping (Fire Protection) Regulations 1984 (and amendments) and to Lloyds Register of Shipping Classification Rules and Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Regulations.

Document History

June 1, 2001
Requirements for the Policy, Design and Installation of Fire Detection Systems in Ships
This Defence Standard is concerned with shipwide fire detection systems. The main fire detection control panel and detectors shall form an Autonomous Fire Detection and Alarm System (AFDAS). The...
DEF STAN 02-603
June 1, 2001
Requirements for the Policy, Design and Installation of Fire Detection Systems in Ships
This Defence Standard is concerned with shipwide fire detection systems. The main fire detection control panel and detectors shall form an Autonomous Fire Detection and Alarm System (AFDAS). The...

