NATO Integrated Quality Requirements for Software Throughout the Life Cycle
Organization: | NATO |
Publication Date: | 1 July 2001 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 38 |
This piiblication contains the requirements for asoftware guahty (management) system. A compliant software quality (management) system needs to be established, documented, applied, maintained, assessed and improved, and/or evaluated, in accordance with requirements contained in the subsequent chapters. These requirements should provide confidence in the supplier's capability to deliver a software product or service that conforms to customer requirements.
This publication establishes also a common framework for software life cycle processes, with well-defined terminology that can be referenced by industry.
This publication is designed to be tailored for an individual organization, project or application within a project. When tailored, this publication specifies the requirements to manage the quality of the software life cycle processes and their resulting products and services.
This publication is primarily intended for use in a two-party contract. When referenced in a contract, this publication shall apply to the supply (and related acquisition, development, production and deployment, operation and maintenance) of the softwere embedded in a system, a stand-alone software product and/or a software service.
Note: Software includes the software portion of the firmware.
This publication mAy be used internally by an organization for the supply (and related acquisition, development, production and deployment, operation and maintenance) of the software embedded in a system, a stand-alone sofhvare product and/or a software service.
For the supply (and related acquisition, development, production and deployment, operation and maintenance) of other system components (e.g. hardware), this publication has to be used in conjunction with other appropriate standards (e.g. AQAP-11 O).
If any inconsistencies exist between the contract requirements and this publication, the contract requirements shal! prevail.
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