This Standard specifies product information and test and performance requirements for prefabricated and tube-and-coupler scaffolding. This Standard does not apply to the following: (a) The...
The scope of this Standard is the design, construction, operation and testing of passenger carrying lifts including goods lifts with car controls. It is not intended for lifts in single unit...
These requirements apply to gas space heating appliances (convectors, radiant convectors, wall furnaces) with natural draught or fan assisted combustion systems intended for use with natural gas,...
This Standard applies to domestic outdoor gas barbecues and solid fuel-to-gas conversion kits intended for use with natural gas, town gas, tempered liquefied petroleum gas (TLP) and low pressure...
This Standard sets out design and operational requirements for scaffolding systems, scaffolding equipment and scaffolds. It includes specifications for catch platforms erected on scaffolds and covers...