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Gas welding equipment - Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting - Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:2006 + Amd 1:2012 + Amd 2:2015)

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Organization: DIN
Publication Date: 1 December 2015
Status: active
Page Count: 58
ICS Code (Welding equipment): 25.160.30

This International Standard specifies specifications and tests for blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting of metals. It applies to manual blowpipes for welding and heating with a nominal thermal power up to 32 000 kcal/h, and manual and machine cutting blowpipes with a cutting range up to 300 mm.

This International Standard does not apply to air-aspirated blowpipes which are covered in ISO 9012.

NOTE 1 Blowpipes with greater nominal thermal power or cutting range can also be tested in accordance with this International Standard if the test requirements are suitable.

NOTE 2 For the most common fuel gases, the corresponding flow rates are given in Table A.1.

NOTE 3 Examples of blowpipes are shown in Annex B, which also gives the terminology concerning these blowpipes.

In addition to terms used in two of the three official ISO languages (English and French), this annex gives the equivalent terms in German; these are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germany (DIN) and are given for information only. Only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms.


Document History

December 1, 2015
Gas welding equipment - Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting - Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:2006 + Amd 1:2012 + Amd 2:2015)
This International Standard specifies specifications and tests for blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting of metals. It applies to manual blowpipes for welding and heating with a nominal...
November 1, 2012
Gas welding equipment - Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting - Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:2006 + Amd 1:2012) (includes Amendment :2012)
This International Standard specifies specifications and tests for blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting of metals. It applies to manual blowpipes for welding and heating with a nominal...
August 1, 2006
Gas welding equipment - Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and cutting - Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:2006)
A description is not available for this item.
February 1, 1997
Manual blowpipes for welding, cutting and heating - Specifications and tests (ISO 5172:1995, including Amendment 1:1995)
A description is not available for this item.

