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ETSI - TR 103 263

System Reference document (SRdoc); Cognitive radio techniques for Satellite Communications operating in Ka band

active, Most Current
Organization: ETSI
Publication Date: 1 February 2016
Status: active
Page Count: 53

The present document identifies the potential regulatory impacts associated to the operation of SatCom solutions implementing cognitive radio techniques. In particular it addresses different scenarios in Ka band (17,3 GHz - 20,2 GHz for space to earth and 27,5 GHz - 30,0 GHz for earth to space) where the satellite communication service should not create any harmful interference to another incumbent whether terrestrial or satellite service entitled to use the same spectrum on a primary basis. It includes in particular:

• market information;

• technical information (including expected sharing and compatibility issues);

• regulatory issues. The present document also identifies the existing related ETSI standards enabling this kind of architecture.

Document History

TR 103 263
February 1, 2016
System Reference document (SRdoc); Cognitive radio techniques for Satellite Communications operating in Ka band
The present document identifies the potential regulatory impacts associated to the operation of SatCom solutions implementing cognitive radio techniques. In particular it addresses different...
July 1, 2014
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); System Reference document (SRdoc); Cognitive radio techniques for Satellite Communications operating in Ka band
The present document identifies the potential regulatory impacts associated to the operation of SatCom solutions implementing cognitive radio techniques. In particular it addresses different...

