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Nuclear EQ Sourcebook: A compilation of Documents for Nuclear Equipment Qualification

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Organization: IEEE
Publication Date: 20 September 1993
Status: active
Page Count: 1,857

Introduction and User Guide

This compilation of qualification documents includes copies of the following:

• IEEE Standards, Recommended Practices and Guides

• Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Rule 10 CFR 50.49, Rule 10 CRF 50, Appendix A, General Design Criteria, Criterion 44.

• NRC published generic communications (ie: Notices, Bulletins and Generic Letters)

• NRC published Regulatory Guides

With the exception of IEEE Std 323 and IEEE Std 344, only the current issue of the documents are included. Because the nuclear industry has established qualification to different levels (ie: standard issue dates and NRC guidance documents) based on plant license vintage, all previous issues of IEEE Std 323 and IEEE Std 344 are included in this compilation.

Based on industry usage and practice, qualification-related documents may be categorized into four functional areas, as follows:

• Environmental Qualification

• Seismic qualification

• Aging

• Equipment qualification, in general

• Equipment Category (e.g.; motor, switchgear, battery)

The table of contents listing that follows this introduction contains, for each document, the number, title, functional area(s) of coverage, as well as the equipment that each document addresses. It is also recommended that the following documents be referred to that are not included in this publication:

• ANSI N45.2,9-I979, Requirements for Collection Storage and Maintenance of Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants.'

• ASME Code Case N119-4, Pump Internal Items (Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2 and 3 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Cases.)2

• ASME Code Case N62-2, Internal and External Valve Items (Section III, Divison 1, Class 1, 2, and 3 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Code Cases.)

The following list describes each document type included in this publication

Standard-A document with mandatory requirements developed through consensus process by voluntary participators; and published by a professional society

Recommended Practice--A document in which procedures and positions recommended by experienced professionals in the industry are presented

Guide-A document in which alternative approaches to good practice are suggested, but no clear-cut recommendations are made

Rule-A regulation issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to codify the Technical and Programmatic requirements applicable to a specific functional area. For example, environmental qualification of electrical equipment important to safety, is addressed in 10 CFR 50.49. These regulations are included in the code of Federal Regulations under Title 10-Energy.

Regulatory Guide-A document issued by the NRC to provide guidance and regulatory positions relating to a functional area or technical issue. Sometimes, regulatory guides are used as vehicles to endorse industry standards with or with out modifiers. For example, Regulatory Guide 1.63 endorsed IEEE Std 317 with modifiers.

Notice-A generic communication issued by the NRC to notify licensees of items of generic interest. (e.g.: an event at a particular plant, a deficiency discovered at specific plant, group of plants, or vendor facility)

Bulletin-A generic communication issued by the NRC to notify licensees of specific items of generic interest with a request for action by the licensees, usually with a deadline.

Generic Letter-A generic communication issued by the NRC to notify licensees of specific problems or events, sometimes with a request for response

1 ANSI publications are available from the American National Standards Institute, Sales Dept., 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, U.S.A. 212-642-4900.

Document History

September 20, 1993
Nuclear EQ Sourcebook: A compilation of Documents for Nuclear Equipment Qualification
Introduction and User Guide This compilation of qualification documents includes copies of the following: • IEEE Standards, Recommended Practices and Guides • Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)...

