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MSFC - NASA MPR 3410.1 REV M-1

TRAINING With Change 1 (3/21/16)

active, Most Current
Organization: MSFC
Publication Date: 4 May 2015
Status: active
Page Count: 22


To identify Center-specific levels of training, knowledge, and skills for effectively performing Center tasks or positions (as permitted by NPR 1400.1).


a. This MPR applies to the Center personnel, programs, projects, and activities, including contractors and resident agencies to the extent specified in their respective contracts or agreements. ("Contractors," for purposes of this paragraph, include contractors, grantees, Cooperative Agreement recipients, Space Act Agreement partners, or other agreement parties.)

b. This MPR applies to the Michoud Assembly Facility (MAF).

c. This MPR applies the following: all mandatory actions (i.e., requirements) are denoted by statements containing the term "shall." The terms "may" or "can" denote discretionary privilege or permission; "should" denotes a good practice and is recommended, but not required; "will" denotes expected outcome; and "are/is" denotes descriptive material.

d. This MPR applies the following: all document citations are assumed to be the latest version unless otherwise noted.

Document History

August 27, 2020
PURPOSE To identify Center-specific levels of training, knowledge, and skills for effectively performing Center tasks or positions (as permitted by NPR 1400.1). APPLICABILITY a. This MPR applies...
NASA MPR 3410.1 REV M-1
May 4, 2015
TRAINING With Change 1 (3/21/16)
PURPOSE To identify Center-specific levels of training, knowledge, and skills for effectively performing Center tasks or positions (as permitted by NPR 1400.1). APPLICABILITY a. This MPR applies...
May 4, 2015
PURPOSE To identify Center-specific levels of training, knowledge, and skills for effectively performing Center tasks or positions (as permitted by NPR 1400.1). APPLICABILITY a. This MPR applies...
May 30, 2012
PURPOSE To identify Center-specific level of training, knowledge, and skills for effectively performing Center tasks or positions (permitted by NPR 1400.1). APPLICABILITY a. This MPR applies to...
February 3, 2009
PURPOSE The purpose of this Marshall Procedural Requirements(MPR) is to assist supervisors and employees in identifying the minimum level of training, knowledge, and skills needed to effectively...
January 26, 2007
PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to assist supervisors and employees in identifying the minimum level of training, knowledge and skills needed to effectively perform their task or position....
January 17, 2006
PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to meet the requirements of Marshall Policy Directive (MPD) 1280.1, “Marshall Management Manual,” and to establish and deliver training programs for personnel...
October 22, 2004
The purpose of this procedure is to meet the requirements of MPD 1280.1, "Marshall Management Manual," and to establish and deliver training programs for personnel performing services directly...

