Stability documentation for approval
Organization: | DNVGL |
Publication Date: | 1 April 2016 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 41 |
The purpose of this class guideline is to provide specification of minimum contents of the stability documentation required in connection with stability approval. The codes given for each of the document type (e.g. B050) refers to the DNV GL document code according to rules for classification RU SHIP Pt.1 Ch.3 Sec.3 as required in the relevant parts of the rules for newbuildings and conversions.
The information in this guideline is made to suit various DNV GL stability rules and common IMO and IACS standards in those cases where DNV GL is authorised to conduct statutory stability approvals. This guideline is not intended to cover statutory documentation requirements that may be in excess of those standards. One should therefore refer to the rules and regulations in question to verify the applicable information for the ship.
While this guideline has been written with application to newbuildings in mind it should also be used as far as practicable whenever all or parts of the stability documentation for existing ships are replaced. This guideline is not a substitute for rules or regulations, but a means to assist in documenting compliance.
DNV GL stability rules allow that the class requirements may in some cases be considered complied with where a national authority has carried out the approval. In such cases it is recommended that the contents of this guideline be implemented in that documentation as far as practicable.
DNV GL may accept layouts of stability documentation other than those presented in this guideline, provided that the intended information is made available.
According to the Society's rules, approved loading computer systems (LCS) are accepted as supplementary to printed stability documentation. The documentation requirements for such systems are not within the scope of this guideline. For information on approval and certification of LCS software please see DNVGL CG 0053.
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