Technical drawings - 3DA model - Part 2: Modeling rules for 3DA model Type 2
Organization: | ISUZU |
Publication Date: | 21 March 2016 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 68 |
This standard specifies rules for creation of 3D annotated model (3DA model) Type 2 using TcNX of ISUZU-specification in ISUZU, ISUZU group and companies entrusted with operations. Further, the corresponding matters that are related to creation of single parts and specified in 27-V-03-detailed 05 shall be replaced with the ones specified in this standard.
NOTE A set of a 2-dimensional drawing (hereinafter referred to as "2D drawing") and a design model which is released in a set is referred to as 3DA model type 2. See ISA-K-038Y for details.