ISO 17427-1
Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative ITS - Part 1: Roles and responsibilities in the context of co-operative ITS architecture(s)
Organization: | ISO |
Publication Date: | 1 June 2018 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 52 |
ICS Code (Transport in general): | 03.220.01 |
ICS Code (IT applications in transport): | 35.240.60 |
This document contains a detailed description of the (actor invariant) roles (3.22) and responsibilities (3.21) required to deploy and operate Cooperative-ITS (C-ITS) (3.8). The organization/organiz
This document is for all types of road traffic of all classes, and for any other actors involved in the provision of applications and services which use C-ITS techniques to achieve service provision. The description of roles is technology agnostic and, in terms of C-ITS, agnostic in respect of communication modes and embraces vehicle-vehicle communications, vehicle-infrastructu
This document provides a methodology for the identification of service specific roles and their corresponding responsibilities based on a process oriented approach. Additionally, the methodology is used to identify the roles and responsibilities for C-ITS in general. Both the methodology as well as the roles and responsibilities for C-ITS are deduced from ISO/IEC 10746-1, ISO/IEC 10746-2, ISO/ IEC 10746-3, the reference model of Open Distributed Processing. Open Distributed Processing offers five viewpoints of which the enterprise viewpoint corresponds with the organizational architecture and its roles and responsibilities.
To limit the scope of the document to the core of C-ITS, the roles are separated into external and internal. Considered to be internal are all roles that are highly relevant for the purpose of achieving service provision by means of C-ITS. Considered to be external are all roles involved in C-ITS, but not set up only for the purpose of C-ITS.
This document provides a description of a high-level architectural viewpoint on C-ITS. It is designed to be used as a blueprint when implementing service provision systems that use C-ITS, and the corresponding organizational structures. The characteristics of C-ITS entail a huge number of data/ information exchanges. Therefore the implementation stringently respects privacy and data protection as it is defined in ISO/TR 12859 and in national laws and regulations (where instantiated). Privacy and data protection affects all roles defined in this document due to these characteristics and all actors occupying roles in C-ITS respects the corresponding standards and regulations.