ETSI - TR 102 300-7
Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA); Voice plus Data (V+D): Designers' guide; Part 7: TETRA High-Speed Data (HSD); TETRA Enhanced Data Service (TEDS)
Organization: | ETSI |
Publication Date: | 1 November 2016 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 205 |
The present document is aimed at a readership with a technical background wishing to have an overall understanding of the TEDS architecture, parameters and features for embarking on any of the following activities before reading the standard:
1) design and development of TETRA 2 network and equipment;
2) system and technical support activity in procurement phases of a TETRA 2 network;
3) upgrading of an existing TETRA network to a TEDS capable network;
4) applications development activity.
This list is not exhaustive. Although the emphasis is on a readership with a technical background a selective reading of the contents will also be of benefit to non-technical personnel engaged on other aspects of a TETRA 2 network. No market or user type information nor a competitive analysis with respect to other technologies or standards are included.
If any conflict is found between the present document and the clauses in the TETRA standard ETSI EN 300 392-2 [i.2] V3.7.1, or later versions, then the standard takes precedence. In addition to describing TEDS architecture, parameters and features, the present document provides detailed system simulation results and typical link budget calculations to assist readers in their outline radio coverage planning. The effect of using TETRA 2 terminals in high velocity environments such as trainborne, not included in the standard, is also evaluated in the present document.