Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program
Organization: | USCG |
Publication Date: | 7 December 2016 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 70 |
SCOPE: All Coast Guard members are responsible for understanding the Coast Guard's sexual assault policy, the penalties and consequences for engaging in any form of sexual assault, and the adverse impact of sexual assault on unit and Coast Guard mission accomplishment. Coast Guard members must not:
a. Commit sexual assault or other acts of sexual misconduct, in violation of the UCMJ.
b. Retaliate or take reprisal against a person who provides information on an incident of alleged sexual assault.
c. Knowingly make a false accusation of a sexual assault. d. Condone or ignore sexual assaults
PURPOSE. This Manual establishes policy for the Coast Guard SAPR Program. The ultimate purpose of this program is to eliminate sexual assault within the Coast Guard and provide response services when a sexual assault does occur. The Coast Guard seeks to achieve this goal by providing a culture of prevention, education and training, response capability, victim support, reporting procedures, and accountability to enhance the safety and well-being of all members. Coast Guard members (civilian or uniformed) must be thoroughly familiar with this Manual.
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