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ACI 357.2R

Report on Floating and Float-In Concrete Structures

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Organization: ACI
Publication Date: 1 July 2010
Status: active
Page Count: 45

This report is intended to further the development of floating concrete structures by presenting relevant design, materials, construction, installation, maintenance, and repair. Application of available technology is demonstrated for a range of floating concrete structures to show that technological risks are at a known and acceptable level.

The report starts with a historical presentation of floating structures and design concepts to establish both the versatility and technical viability of concrete floating marine structures. The durability and serviceability of floating structures at remote sites are important considerations to project planners and developers. Recommendations for design loads and design criteria are presented. Design procedures and methods of analysis are discussed to better acquaint the reader with the design considerations unique to floating marine structures.

Document History

ACI 357.2R
July 1, 2010
Report on Floating and Float-In Concrete Structures
This report is intended to further the development of floating concrete structures by presenting relevant design, materials, construction, installation, maintenance, and repair. Application of...
January 1, 1988
State-of-the-Art Report on Barge-Like Concrete Structures
A description is not available for this item.

