ITU-T X.1080.0
Access control for telebiometrics data protection
Organization: | ITU-T |
Publication Date: | 1 March 2017 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 60 |
This Recommendation provides a specification for how privacy may be protected in a telebiometrics environment by using privacy-based access control for telebiometrics (ACT). While this Recommendation cannot identify all possible information types, it is within the scope to provide general tools for handling all types of information in a secure way. This includes definition of a protocol for assigning privileges and a protocol for accessing information using privilege assertion. This Recommendation provides guidelines and does not contain compliance requirements.
The following is outside the scope of this Recommendation:
- physical protection of the information;
- unauthorized access by operational personal that maintain the security system and therefore having the possibility to circumvent security.
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